CGS Master Planning



The Canberra Grammar School Masterplan is a narrative for the development and direction of the school. The masterplan outlines the existing condition of the built fabric and landscape, and nominates preferred sites for future development. This masterplan is prepared with a strong focus on landscape setting; providing a design framework for the structuring future building to works modernise and make the campus more accessible and legible.

The site has a relatively steep slope with a total fall of 28 meters across it, enabling buildings to be accessed from multiple levels, with terraces made to create contained and formalised spaces. By expanding and strengthening the two main pathways through the senior school, this plan looks to use these spines as key focussing elements. The public spine reinforces and extends the east/west pathway which runs through the main historic quadrangle. The student spine also runs east/west and links the health and physical education building at one end, resource centre and oval access at the other.