Burns Centre

Forrest, ACT

DJAS was approached by DOMA to investigate design solutions to reenergise and update the Burns Centre in Forrest. Originally designed by architect Bert Read, the building is unique in form with its circular design and atrium space. The principal focus of the project was to enliven the foyer and atrium, whilst being careful to only add value to it.

New materials introduced in the foyer brought more light and tactility to the space. Spotted gum was selected for the atrium space for its colour variation, so as not to appear clinical or prescribed within such an organic space. The floor coverings in both the foyer and atrium have been updated with tiles and carpets in nonlinear arrangements to mediate the geometry change between the spaces, while creating a commonality. These and other changes have resulted in reenergising and updating the Burns Centre whilst maintaing its unique qualities.