Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)


Commenced: 2018

Canberra Airport, ACT

A tight timeframe and new way of working were the key drivers of a new 2,000sqm office fitout for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA). In only 5 months the project was briefed, designed, built, and inhabited; a fantastic outcome for the client and their staff.

Managing Change
AFMA committed to an ABW workplace framework, with a number of staff nervous with this proposed change. DJAS worked alongside the cultural change managers with clear and authentic communication, adopting the method of listen, question, design, review, and deliver. This resulted in a design which reflected the AFMA community needs and unique requirements.

Active listening with users
DJAS was actively involved with furniture pop ups, co design workshops, and executive stakeholder presentations. Throughout the construction process, DJAS continued to play an active role in the project team and was an instrumental player in bringing the project to life within an aggressive timeframe.

Activity hosting
DJAS used apertures through the built form to open or enclose a space and to break the horizon line, offering a sense of community and comfort within the workplace. The design allowed for AFMA to work within a landscape of working opportunities and support spaces. The design allowed for a gradation of focused work through to team, collaborative and social, enhancing collaboration and communication throughout all the corporate portfolio including AFMA’s unique task force operational requirements.